Fallout 4 campfire mod
Fallout 4 campfire mod

fallout 4 campfire mod

Unsure whether Fallout 76 servers are down or not? Our server status article keeps track of that and we're updating it as we catch wind of any changes in Appalachia's availability. Naturally, these aren't the sole places where you can spot the crawlers, so keeping an eye open during your journeys is recommended. Other locations where you may find rad ants include the Top of the World and Lucky Hole mine in the Savage Divide, alongside Appalachian Antiques and Watoga High School in Cranberry Bog. The thing with this location is that the ants you're looking for will likely be fighting a Deathclaw, so you'll need to act quickly if you want to claim them for yourself. The Submersible Power Armor Fallout 4 Xbox One mod adds one full set of BioShock-inspired power armor, three helmet variants for the different Big Daddies, and movement mods to boost speed. If you're also doing the Tea Time event quest, it's worth knowing that several rad ants may appear at The Giant Teapot in Fallout 76's Forest region.Īnother place where you can find rad ants is the Thunder Mountain substation TM-02 in the Cranberry Bog region.

fallout 4 campfire mod

The repeatable quest Wasted on Rad Ant Lager will, inevitably, see you setting out to find rad ants across Appalachia.

Fallout 4 campfire mod